Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow |
Courage is fear . . . |
Pain & My Recovery |
Just For Today (2 sided) |
Faith isn't faith until . . . |
No matter where you go . . . |
Insanity is doing the same thing over |
Today I choose to stay out of the results |
AA Preamble |
Principles of the Program |
3rd Step Prayer |
7th Step Prayer |
My Daily Moral Inventory |
Asking Prayer |
Measure of a Man |
The Ten Guides of Human Relations |
Humility Prayer |
Techniques For Thinking |
Tolerance |
Prayer of St. Francis (instrument of thy peace) |
Gal in the Glass |
Man in the Glass |
The Promises |
Humility is not thinking less of yourself . . . |
Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today . . .(with Big Book Page #) |
A Vision for You |
Serenity Prayer (full version) |
The Camel |
Thank God for Today |
Slogans |
When you seek only perfection |
Inner Child |
The steps of recovery |
Serenity is an inside job |
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid |
My Bill of Rights |
Prayer of St. Francis (channel of thy peace) |
The Four Absolutes |
Think Humility |
The 12 Suggested Steps |
Twelve Rewards of the Twelve Steps |
Risking |
Truths - what I critizise, I become |
Depression: not getting life to go their way |
It's OK to surrender |
Letting go - pain, results, judgment |
NO Gossip |
Please help me to forgive . . . |
Letting Go of Ego |
Expect A Miracle (poem) |
We can have no legitimate basis for fear. . . |
Just For Today . . I will gather the courage to do. . . |
Perhaps |
Techniques for Happiness |
I view the past |
I came, I came to, I came to believe |
Stages of Recovery |
Desires |
Finding happiness |
Denial is not . . . |
How to stay sober |
Slow me down Lord |
I can't, He can, I think I'll let Him |
How to Avoid Playing God |
MUST - 57 Examples - Big Book |
Big Book Guide |
Lord, teach me . . . |
No one can make me feel inferior without my consent |
A Bill of Assertive Rights |
RULE 62 |
There is a principle...contempt prior to investigation |
12 Steps of Non-Recovery |
God has not brought me this far to drop me on my head |
S.L.I.P. |
I may drink tomorrow |
When I go to bed at night I turn my problems over to God |
BLACK WALLY: Believing that I am an alcoholic . . . |
Co-Dependents Serenity Prayer |
Before the program I bought things I didn't want. . . |
My Promise To You |
Almost all faults are more pardonable than methods. . . |
Step Four |
I sought my soul |
Change - When it becomes more difficult to suffer. . . |
HELP! Asking for help is 60% of the battle |
Bring the body and the mind will follow |
5 Stages of Grief |
Seven Deadly Sins |
Any damn fool can stay sober for 24 hours |
Recovery..First word We not I |
Service |
Today, I give myself permission to be happy, joyous & free |
Building Self-Esteem |
Worry is like sitting in rocking chair |
Detachment |
Being Perfect |
Expectations . .today I choose to let go . . . |
TTT . . things take time |
On the Beam: Off the Beam |
If you have something bad to say about someone else. . . |
Toddler's Creed aka AA Creed |
When I resent someone, they live rent free in my head |
Trust God |
Thou shalt not SHOULD on yourself |
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery . . . |
Keep doing what you're doing & keep getting... |
Alcohol: cunning, baffling, powerful, patient... |
Beliefs (that kept me stuck) |
A Simple Prayer: My God I'm in so much pain . . . |
Time heals: give yourself the gift of time |
Detachment: Forgiveness most loving form . . . |
Turn it OVER |
SCALE: Serenity level - expectations = acceptance |
Thankful you're my sponsor |
Please Lord. . . |
God will do the impossible |
My Insanity |
Say what you mean, mean what you say . . . |
AA Love |
The Touch of the Master's Hand |
Serenity Prayer (regular) |
Lord's Prayer |
Footprints |
Let Go & Let God: As children bring their broken toys. . . |
Prayer of Protection |
Acceptance is the answer. . . |
Trust in God. . .Dare to Dream |
Good Morning God |
Daily Reminder |
It is through our wounded areas God enters |
Keep On |
God never gave us a dream ... |
Living Sermon |
There are two days: yesterday & tomorrow . . . |
Expect a Miracle. . . today |
The Difference |
Desiderata |
Seeking perfection is a mask |
Resentments are like alligators |
Nothing is so bad that a drink/worse |
The first step mentions alcohol |
Do you just belong |
I didn't cause it, can't cure, control |
Have you truly let go? |
Greatest acts of love - not to change another human being |
How to let go of worry |
Please take my will & my life |
My deepest wounds were self-inflicted |
Please, do what you gotta do. Just don't drink. |
An apology is a good way to have the last word |
God could & would if sought |
Being willing is the key |
I have 4 good reasons for being an abstainer |
Liquor talks mighty loud when is gets loose from a bottle |
Oh God! That men should put an enemy in their mouths... |
It's not our drinking that gets us stinking... |
The sight of a drunkard is a better sermon... |
Expectations are resentments |
Forgiveness: when learning to |
Planning: necessary to plan but - |
A man takes a drink . . . |
How to destroy love & be lonley |
Why We Were Chosen |
Courage is fear . . . |
Just For Today (2 sided) |
Faith isn't faith until . . . |
You are here (X) |
Today I choose to stay out of the results |
Begin again |
Asking Prayer |
Measure of a Man |
The Ten Guides of Human Relations |
Humility Prayer |
Techniques For Thinking |
Tolerance |
Prayer of St. Francis (instrument of thy peace) |
Love is patient, love is kind . . . |
God is always right |
Gal in the Glass |
Man in the Glass |
Humility is not thinking less of yourself . . . |
Serenity Prayer (full version) |
Thank God for Today |
When you seek only perfection |
Serenity is an inside job |
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid |
Prayer of St. Francis (channel of thy peace) |
Think Humility |
Risking |
Happiness |
Are you willing? |
A Prayer for Inner Peace |
Life: Crawl, walk, run, crawl |
Truths - what I critizise, I become |
How do you spell relief? |
Silence - the only language God understands |
Love (the beginning) |
Letting go - pain, results, judgment |
Please help me to forgive . . . |
Letting Go of Ego |
My mind is my garden, my thougths are my seeds... |
Expect A Miracle (poem) |
To Be With God |
We can have no legitimate basis for fear. . . |
Just For Today . . I will gather the courage to do. . . |
Healing |
Techniques for Happiness |
I view the past |
Desires |
Finding happiness |
Indian Prayer |
Slow me down Lord |
Lord, teach me . . . |
Good Morning Loved One - do not need help today |
Winners expect to win |
4 Steps to Accomplishment |
Success is/matter of chance. ask any failure |
The secret of happiness/liking what one does |
Honesty |
I don't know what future holds, I know who holds future |
Good Character is more to be praised than . . . |
I am the place where God shines through . . . |
God has not brought me this far to drop me on my head |
What follows "what if" - worry/truth |
When I go to bed at night I turn my problems over to God |
About Prayer |
Learn To Be . . . |
Forgiving is not forgetting |
Drifting: God I have drifted today . . . |
I sought my soul |
Change - When it becomes more difficult to suffer. . . |
Hugging |
Destiny |
Today I do more than spend my time, I invest it |
TODAY, do not add the burden . . . |
Gratitude |
The biggest risk in life . . . |
God allows U-turns |
Children Learn What They Live |
Today, I give myself permission to be happy, joyous & free |
When God shuts a door, He opens a window |
KINDNESS - the fragrance always stays in the hand |
Building Self-Esteem |
Worry is like sitting in rocking chair |
Detachment |
Being Perfect |
Expectations . .today I choose to let go . . . |
TTT . . things take time |
How to Give Love |
How to Detach With Love |
Winner's vs. Losers |
On the Beam: Off the Beam |
Practice random kindness & senseless acts of beauty |
If you think something outside yourself |
At the end of each day I ask myself . . . |
My Dear Child, do what I say, okay, yes, let go, God |
Trust God |
Thou shalt not SHOULD on yourself |
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery . . . |
God loves me . . . |
Stand still with God |
My Dear Child: I'm here for you . . . |
Forgiveness |
Keep doing what you're doing & keep getting... |
Choices |
A Simple Prayer: My God I'm in so much pain . . . |
My God is a gentleman . . . |
Worry? Why pray. why worry . . . |
Progress always involves risk. . . |
Usefulness To Others |
Realization |
Get on with it |
Know God, Know peace |
Worry is the darkroom . . . |
Time heals: give yourself the gift of time |
Morning Prayer: God morning God |
Prayer of Faith: God, I do give myself to Thee . . . |
True faith is . . . |
The Ten Commandments |
I'm OK |
Where there is faith . . . |
May God Bless All Your Footsteps |
When I'm taking care of myself . . . |
Finding the Solution |
God has been trying to get in touch with you. . . |
The 5 C's of A Successful Relationship |
Please Lord. . . |
God will do the impossible |
My Insanity |
Forgiveness starts . . . |
And the day came when the risk to remain closed |
You Paddle and Let God Steer |
I forgive myself . . . |
My dearest child: you may not believe in me . . . |
Indian Prayer: Oh Great Spirit . . . |
I can change . . . |
The biggest problem in my life today |
My motives speak . . . |
If God seems far away . . . |
There is no spot . . . |
How to get what you want . . . |
Peace is possible |
Children are not things to be molded. . . |
Marriage Prayer |
How's your NOW? |
Life is a journey |
Please know that you are not alone |
Finding a power greater than myself will mean the funeral...sorrows |
Be gentle with you |
Please Relax. . . |
Serenity Prayer (regular) |
Lord's Prayer |
Footprints |
Let Go & Let God: As children bring their broken toys. . . |
Prayer of Protection |
If you think I've forgotten you . . . |
Love is what I get/give |
Acceptance is the answer. . . |
Love knows no limit . . . |
Take time to think, it's the source of power. . . |
What You Are |
Faith is going so far out on a limb |
Trust in God. . .Dare to Dream |
Good Morning God |
Daily Reminder |
Dear God, I have a problem, me . . . |
It is through our wounded areas God enters |
Keep On |
God never gave us a dream ... |
Living Sermon |
There are two days: yesterday & tomorrow . . . |
Expect a Miracle. . . today |
Dear Loved One, I'm working on all your problems . . . |
The Difference |
Dear God, I have no idea where I'm going. . . |
The Secret |
The 23rd Psalm |
The Cross In My Pocket |
I believe in the sun: even when it doesn't shine |
God has a plan for me . . . |
Whenever we let God - he does |
The greatest act of faith . . . |
In prayer and meditation . . . |
I didn't have time |
Desiderata |
Sanscrit Proverb |
Oh great & mighty spirit, heal my wounded heart . . . |
Dear Father in the sky, hold my hand . . . |
Weather Report |
Please...Give GOD Time |
If you suffer, Thank GOD, it is a sure sign you are alive |
Life is God's novel. Let him write it. |
Walking the spiritual path |
God could not be everywhere |
Dear God, please help me |
Tell the truth & create a miracle |
Grace is God's reaction/actions |
Do not expect God to use you |
When God measures a person |
Home is where there's someone |
The grand essentials to happiness |
We can do no great things |
I didn't cause it, can't cure, control |
Life: Death |
How to let go of worry |
Yes you can |
Success |
Promise Yourself |
You must do the thing |
Pettiness prayer |
And He said, . . . |
The Past |
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself |
Take Him With You |
Trust the process of life |
You can't always keep trouble from coming |
Serenity is an inside job |
Letting Go Prayer |
Courage seems to fade |
Sometimes we lose our balance |
With my Father God |
Sanity Prayer |
Smoker's Prayer |
The trip sometimes exceeds the goal |
Thank you dear Father |
A Simple Formula |
Simplicity is a very hard concept |
Love lifted me |
Being willing is the key |
I hear & I forget |
I cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind |
Dreams - It takes a person who is wide awake... |
Secret |
Miracles happen, if in doubt/mirror |
No matter what the experience |
Either God is or God isn't |
Spirituality |
Some people walk in the rain |
A Prayer for Success |
A Prayer for Abdundance |
Before you dry the tears of another... |
If |
The weakest spot |
Forgiveness: when learning to |
Planning: necessary to plan but - |
There is no God higher than truth |
Why We Were Chosen |
Today |
When the student is ready the master appears |
Water which is too pure has no fish |
Dear God, please |
If I Consider. . . |
Love is knowing what you think of me. . . |
Learn To Be . . . |
If you don't have time to do something right . . do over? |
Today, I will try using a mirror . . . |
There are only two things you have to do. . . |
Destiny |
Today I do more than spend my time, I invest it |
TODAY, do not add the burden . . . |
Gratitude |
If you are constantly being mistreated |
If you find a good solution . . . |
If you're not rich . . . |
Feelings of inferiority |
The biggest risk in life . . . |
There are no victims . . . |
If you like what you are getting-keep doing... |
Gossip - An empty brain |
Change is not painful . . . |
Children Learn What They Live |
Today, I give myself permission to be happy, joyous & free |
How to Give Love |
How to Detach With Love |
Winner's vs. Losers |
Giving my power to another person . . . |
If you have something bad to say about someone else. . . |
If you think something outside yourself |
The Biggest lie on this planet is: when I get what I... |
Thou shalt not SHOULD on yourself |
The best way to predict your future. . . |
Self Esteem: I see whole world differently |
Progress always involves risk. . . |
I'm OK |
Finding the Solution |
Stress |
Say what you mean, mean what you say . . . |
I can change . . . |
The biggest problem in my life today |
My motives speak . . . |
How's your NOW? |
If you really want to know what a person truly wants . .Look at what he has |
Take time to think, it's the source of power. . . |
Committment |
Few blame themselves . . . |
To know is not enough, we must apply knowledge |
Until I believe that it is, I am believing that it is not |
Letting go of anger |
Inside Job |
Now that I'm here, where am I? |
There are very few people who don't become more interesting/stop talking |
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders |
Martyrdom...is the only way in which a man can become famous... |
If you cannot find peace within yourself |
Go behind the apparent circumstances of the situation |
You cannot belong to anyone else, until you belong to yourself |
Most people think they know the answer/don't know question |
Life has two rules: #1 Never quit! #2 Always remember rule #1 |
When you are down & out, lift up your head & shout |
You will never know who you are in the world until you know thyself |
There are two things over which you have complete dominion, |
The person gives up & says I can't |
Before flaring up at another's faults |
Do you just belong |
I suffer from the illusion |
How to eliminate stress |
Have you truly let go? |
A Fool |
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself |
The trip sometimes exceeds the goal |
A Simple Formula |
Simplicity is a very hard concept |
I hear & I forget |
Dreams - It takes a person who is wide awake... |
Emulating others can be tiring, lonely .... |
No matter what the experience |
He who is own counselor |
People wrapped up in themselves |
Let us have care not to disclose |
How to destroy love & be lonley |
You are here "X" |
When the student is ready the master appears |
Water which is too pure has no fish |
Happiness |
May you always have the freedom to be you |
You're Special |
Beautiful World |
Please forgive for not respecting your feelings |
Thank you for always being there |
A friend is one to whom one may pour out all . . . |
I was alone until you came to share the journey |
Today was made for you |
For the times when I was down . . . |
When warm memories of special times |
Your Smile |
We really have something special, each other |
When I really needed a friend . . . |
Games we've been playing |
In checking out my attitude, it stinks. . . |
I don't think the silent treatment... |
At times you may find me hard to live with... |
If ever, whenever, however. . . |
Thanks for putting up with my moods |
Please remember you are not alone. . . |
You make the world a nicer place |
Hugging |
Happiness Cake |
You make the difference - world better day you were born |
I wouldn't want to live in world like this without a ... |
At the end of each day I ask myself . . . |
All I ever needed . . .love to hold |
You are there & I am here . . . |
I'm glad that you are alive. . . |
Thank God for You! |
I appreciate you . . . |
I'm sorry for my actions |
I wish only the best for you |
I want you to know that . . magnificent |
Thankful you're my friend |
The 5 C's of A Successful Relationship |
You are truly a blessing |
When you are lonely |
Marriage Prayer |
You Are Special: |
If you need a hug |
You can count on me |
Please know that you are not alone |
Be gentle with you |
You were and still are instrumental to me... |
If no one has told you . .loved . .let me be first . . . |
Friends |
Love is what I get/give |
Love knows no limit . . . |
What You Are |
Committment |
Love is friendship that has caught fire |
Take heart, dear one . . . |
I don't want you to fix my problems |
You pointed out the rainbow |
Thank you for being a true friend |
Friends lighten the path of a darkened road |
You helped me believe in me when I couldn't |
As the sunrises & sunsets are gifts from God . . . |
I appreciate you |
You have brought joy to my heart |
You are truly God's beloved creation |
Thank you for making me |
Love lifted me |
You are a golden thread |
I know I didn't handle the situation very well |